Honestly, I have to say that I hated this book. I struggled through it for a week and a half because it was too easy, wasn't interesting, and Buddy was really, really, really, really (I could go on) annoying. I did not want to write this review at all because I don't like writing bad reviews. I wouldn't want someone to read what I have written and be critical but as my fiancé and best friend said I just have to be honest because that's just the way it works. And I hate it. But Jamie Wasserman said in his email that even bad reviews are appreciated so here goes:
Buddy is awkward, short, and a geek. I thought I could relate to him but I couldn't at all. He cries a lot for no reason and rambles about stuff for most of the book.
This book was written at a teenage level for teenagers and young adults (assuming anyway), but it was written like a teenager. I guess that's okay but it just wasn't something I liked.
Buddy had a cat named Spooky. That's cool. So did my fiancé. I miss that cat. I can respect Buddy's love for animals but he talks about them wayyyyyyyyyy too much.
The part where he says "It's like having a mom inside you constantly there to protect you from the world.", yeah, that just came across as really gross. There is almost no way in the world that a 14 year old in America doesn't know a thing or two about sex. They teach sex ed in middle school now! He had to have known that wouldn't sound quite right.
Hans turning himself into a little ankle-biting dog instead of a werewolf was just hilarious. Classic.
And I liked that the ending was a nod to Stephen King's Pet Semetary. I love that movie. Please, Jamie (if you're reading this), write a sequel about that but please please please make sure he's not such a whiner that he can't tell his story. That was annoying. I'll consider reading your other books in the future but I was not satisfied by this.